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Partisia Platform

The Partisia Platform consists of the private deployment of a blockchain, which can be used to build an application performing Multi Party Computation, also referred to as MPC, and the products

can be added as a service to further strengthen the security of the application being built.

What is a Private deployment?

A private deployment is a system of multiple different components, that work together to

  • Start a private blockchain, coordinating the other components and making sure that the different computation that are being computed are correct and successful. The blockchain utilizes smart contracts to determine the execution behavior. The
  • The MPC nodes reading the necessary info from the blockchain to perform their assigned computation and running the computation. The MPC nodes are the ones keeping their parts of the secret inputs safe from outside parties.
  • The Partisia Platform Browser, that breaks down the transactions and events executed on-chain for better user experience, when trying to understand, what is happening during a computation and an execution of actions and callbacks.
  • A reader node to use for getting the state of a contract and send transactions to the blockchain. The reader node is mainly to remove the load on the nodes producing blocks for the blockchain and the MPC nodes.

Develop your own smart contracts

To start developing your own smart contracts go to the Getting started page. Here you se what tools and languages you need to install to compile smart contract and use the different command-line tools.

Starting a local instance of the Partisia Platform is described in the local private deployment article.

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