Consent Management Platform
The Partisia Consent Management Platform utilizes a private blockchain to store and manage consents. The properties of the blockchain ensures a detailed audit trail, where all actions can be traced back to the individual that carried out the action.
The Partisia Consent Management Platform consists of the three components
- Key Management (not needed by Service Providers)
- Blockchain
The SSO service is responsible for the authentication of users (data subjects). The Key Management service holds the private key of the end users (Service Providers are expected to hold their own private key). Finally, the blockchain is responsible for the actual management and storage of the consents.
Demo environment
For the demo environment, the url is:
Blockchain consent API
The API exposed by the blockchain node is documented with swagger that can be accessed here.
As the consents are stored on a blockchain, the only way to change a state is by sending a signed
transaction to the /transaction
endpoint. The state of the consents can be read through
multiple GET
In the Partisia Consent Management Platform we have two kinds of actors:
- Data Subject The actor that is using a service that requires consent.
- Service provider The actor providing the service that needs a consent from the data subject.
MyHealthWallet web application
The MyHealthWallet is where the data subject can manage their consents. In the demo environment, it can be accessed at
As a Service Provider, if you need consent from a data subject, you can redirect the user to the following URL:{consentId}/response
Remember to request consent from the data subject before you redirect them to the MyHealthWallet.
Data subject actions
This section is only relevant, if you do not want to use the MyHealthWallet.
As a data subject, you can:
Give or withdraw consent
A consent is given (or withdrawn) by sending a signed transaction to the blockchain. The transaction is of the following structure.
<Transaction> := {
nonce: 0xnn*8 (big-endian)
validToTime: 0xnn*8 (big-endian)
gasCost: 0xnn*8 (big-endian)
address: 0xnn*21
rpc : Rpc
- The nonce should match the data subject that is giving/withdrawing consent. See how to fetch the nonce in the swagger documentation.
- The address is the id of the consent specification.
- The RPC is where we specify whether we want to give or withdraw consent using the give RPC or the withdraw RPC.
For more information on how to build the transaction go here.
The final step is to create the signature using the key management service. Combining the transaction and the signature gives us the signed transaction that can be sent to the blockchain.
View all consents
A data subject can view all consents given by that data subject (and all requested consents) by
calling the consent/me
endpoint. The data subject is authenticated by supplying
the SSO token in the authorization header of the request. For more details see
the swagger documentation.
Service provider actions
As a service provider, you can:
Request or utilize consent
To request or utilize consent from a data subject, a transaction must be sent to the blockchain. The transaction is similar to the transaction used to give or withdraw consent, with two main differences:
- the transaction's
field must use the request RPC or utilize RPC. - sign the transactions using a private key held by the service provider. For more details on how to sign a transaction go here here
Service providers should not use the key management service to sign the transaction.
View consented data subject(s)
To view the data of subjects who have consented to a particular consent specification, the accessing service provider must:
- Be registered as the data controller for that consent specification.
- Successfully authenticate against the authentication server.
To check if the data subject has consented to a consent specification, the service provider
can make a request to
the /consent/specifications/{consentSpecificationId}/data-subjects/{dataSubjectId}
endpoint. To get this information the service provider needs:
- the consent specification id
- the data subject id
- an access token from the authentication server - to be included in the HTTP request authentication header
For more details on how to retrieve information about consented data subjects consult the
consent swagger documentation
under Consent Specification
Authenticate as service provider
Before the service provider can access the endpoints with information about consenting data subjects, the service provider must authenticate themselves against the authentication server. This is done by posting a client id and client secret to the authentication server in return for a JWT access token.
The endpoint and the format of the data can be found in the swagger documentation of the authentication server here. Contact Partisia to receive a client ID and client secret.
Unauthenticated actions
All data subjects and service providers can view all consent specifications and their public information. The public information of a consent specification is the text, title, data controller etc., but not anything about the data subjects that have consented to the consent specification.
See how to retrieve this information under Consent Specification
the consent swagger documentation